Reverend Edward Fassett, S.J.
Jesuit Conference of the United States
Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 05/15/2014
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
Reverend Edward Fassett, S.J., Jesuit Conference of the United States, Washington, D.C., offered the following prayer:
Good and gracious God, we give You thanks this day for the life You grant us anew and for the creation that sustains us.
We especially ask Your blessing upon the Members of this assembly. Give them wisdom, empathy, discipline, creativity, patience, and kindness in their dealings with each other and in their discernment about the needs of our great Nation. Help them to be responsible leaders and fellow citizens with those whom they represent. May their work this day reflect our common understanding of what is good and true.
As another school year moves toward commencements and summer vacation, we give thanks for our Nation's appreciation for the value of a good education. May our national policy for education always reflect that same appreciation.
May all that we do this day, both in the people's House and throughout our Nation, be for Your greater honor and glory.
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