Reverend Aaron McEmrys
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
Arlington, VA
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Moran, (D-VA)
Date of Prayer: 12/10/2014
One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:
The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Moran) is recognized for 1 minute.
There was no objection.
Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to introduce and welcome Reverend Aaron McEmrys from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, which is in the heart of my congressional district.
Reverend McEmrys is an accomplished religious leader who thrives on collaboration and draws his energy from working with people. He has led a life of service and generosity, caring for his neighbors and working to protect his flock.
I am proud to share his views as a passionate supporter of marriage equality, of addressing the disparity in wealth and income throughout the country, of workers' rights, and addressing the growing problems caused by global climate change.
He has spent years fighting to improve the daily lives of the neediest among us, spending years with the Hopi and Navajo Indian populations.
Reverend McEmrys holds a master's of divinity from the Meadville Lombard Theological School and a bachelor's of science in labor studies from the National Labor College, so he is well prepared to lead a highly informed and politically engaged congregation.
I am proud to consider him a constituent, a valued constituent, and thank him for opening our day with such a meaningful prayer .
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
Creator God, spirit of light, we come here today with our spirits open to the Sun of Your loving gaze. We come humbled by the work entrusted to us––to tend to Your children––for we know that we are, all of us, Your children, bearers of Your divine spark.
May we remember this no matter how thick the stacks of paper on our desks.
When we are weary, may we be filled with Your generosity of spirit. We will pass it on with interest.
When we don't know which way to turn, may we find stillness and listen for the soft voice of wisdom.
Help us today to do justice, to serve mercy, and to walk humbly with You and the better angels of our nature.
Most of all, beloved God, may we practice the arts of kindness in all that we do and all that we are.
To this we say amen.
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