The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Clyde Thomas

Cherokee Avenue Baptist Church
Gaffney, SC

Sponsor: Rep. Hon. John Spratt, (D-SC)
Date of Prayer: 04/05/2006

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

(Mr. SPRATT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. SPRATT. Madam Speaker, the opening prayer was given by the Reverend Clyde Pickney Thomas , Jr. Reverend Thomas has served in the ministry of the Southern Baptist Church since 1974 and is now the pastor of Cherokee Avenue Baptist Church in Gaffney, South Carolina, a pulpit that he has filled with distinction since 1979.

Reverend Thomas is not only a prominent preacher of the gospel, but a pastor who has developed courses of study for adults, youth, and children, conducted an extensive sports ministry, and taken at least 10 mission trips to places as far away as the Amazon. He is married to Joanne Cash Thomas , and they have two sons, Clyde Preston Thomas and James Grady Thomas .

I have had the privilege of attending Sunday services at Cherokee Avenue and, afterwards, having lunch in the fellowship hall. I can attest to the fact that the preaching and the cooking were both first rate.

I want to thank Reverend Thomas and thank also the Speaker and Father Coughlin for allowing Reverend Thomas to open today's session with prayer. Thank you very much.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Gracious God, our Heavenly Father, we humbly come to you today to see your guidance knowing we take only one step at a time. Illuminate each step as only you can and keep us strong in our path.

Oh Lord, grant that we will live together as people of vision and understanding as well as promise and peace.

We pray for our President and members of this body as they serve. Encourage and strengthen them with your power and wisdom. Protect our military and our law enforcement men and women. Give comfort to their families and refresh their spirit. Make us mindful of our responsibilities and grateful for our opportunities to do your will.

We pray this in the name above every other name.


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