The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Deacon Dan S. Borne'

Diocese of Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, LA

Sponsor: Rep. Garret Graves & Rep. Steve Scalise, (R-LA)
Date of Prayer: 06/15/2023

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, I want to give a quick shout–out and recognition to our guest chaplain today, Deacon Dan Borne'.
Not to take anything away from the Almighty Father, but I think Deacon Borne's voice is often confused with the Almighty in Tiger Stadium in "Death Valley", as over and over again fans hear, "First Down, Tigers," "Chance of Rain? Never," and "Touchdown, Tigers,"to the frustration of our guest teams.
Borne' has been a longtime friend, along with his wife, a Catholic schoolteacher. His son, Jason, was one of my best friends in high school. David and Elizabeth are the other kids in the family. Deacon Borne' has been leading them in a life of faith and is now leading our entire community as deacon in the East Baton Rouge Catholic Church.
I appreciate him being here. I welcome him and certainly welcome his prayer, as we need much more of that here today.

Mr. SCALISE. Madam Speaker, I, too, want to thank our guest chaplain, Dan Borne'. For so many years, over 30 years, I have known Dan and known him wearing many different hats. Anybody in Louisiana who has encountered a number of different interests, whether it is philanthropic, religious, business, you have run into Dan Borne.
I know Dan through the Louisiana Chemical Association, as the head, representing thousands of workers throughout Louisiana, making things that all of us use in our everyday life and making sure that those great men and women have the ability to do their jobs with the pride that they have. That was the first role in which I really got to know Dan Borne' and his dear friend, Greg Bowser.
Also, of course, as an LSU alum, when you are in Tiger Stadium, everybody knows that voice. When you hear the voice of Dan Borne', it is just one that gets people excited, most people get excited. There are other people in Tiger Stadium that might not be as excited when they are on the other end of what happens in Death Valley, but Dan is the one who really keeps things going as the voice of the LSU Tigers. Then, of course, there is his role as a deacon and also a spokesperson for the diocese of Baton Rouge.
Dan Borne' wears many hats, but he wears them all with great pride and distinction. He carries himself the way all of us should, a true man of God.
We are honored to have Dan here with us today. I am glad he was able to open the House up in prayer today. God bless him.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Melt us. Mold us. Fill us. Use us.
Direct our actions by Your holy inspiration, and carry them on with Your gracious assistance so that every prayer and work of ours may begin with You and through You be brought to successful completion.
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.  Amen.

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