The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Robert Suhr

Christ Church
Mequon, WI

Sponsor: Rep. Glenn Grothman, (R-WI)
Date of Prayer: 04/12/2024

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Grothman) is recognized for 1 minute. There was no objection.

Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank Pastor Suhr for that wonderful prayer this morning. He and his family have been friends of mine for a long time. His church, as we said, is in Mequon, Wisconsin. While, sadly for our country, in so many parishes or churches the attendance has been down, he has grown a much bigger church than he found it. It is truly booming, and it is a great success story for Christianity in Mequon. In any event, again, congratulations to Reverend Suhr. I am so honored to be here today for that prayer.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Holy God, mighty Lord, and gracious Father, You are the sovereign God who is the author of all time. You hold all history in Your righteous and merciful hands. Nations rise and fall by Your will, for Your purposes, and by Your grace.
So in this time and on this day, we humbly call upon You to exercise Your will, to show Your compassion, and to loose Your spirit upon the Members of this sacred body, those near to You and those far from You, that this would not be an ordinary day but an extraordinary day.
Open hearts to hear Your guidance and help their ears to hear the voices of Your will speaking. Let the Members of this House today govern with compassion, understanding, and a determination to accomplish that which is good and pleasing in Your sight and that which is good for the people of this Nation.
Holy spirit, we entrust ourselves to You that at the end of this day we may rest in peace and this great Nation will remain a light that shatters the darkness, a city that brightly shines on a hill, and that all nations may see Your handiwork and the work of this body today.
All this we ask relying on Your grace, and we ask through the power of Jesus' holy and precious name.  Amen.

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