The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

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Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben

Holy and merciful God, You desire that we return to You with our whole hearts. May we set aside all that draws us away from You and bow before Your throne of grace.

You call us to fast, to deny ourselves the very things that overwhelm our appetites and satiate our desires. May we instead strive to quench our need for You and find satisfaction in Your provision.

You ask us to humble ourselves, even to the point that we grieve what we have become and regret what we have done. May we repent of our prideful attitudes, confess our transgressions, and discover what You want us to be and how You call us to serve.

 You, O Lord, are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. Relent, O God, from the judgment we are due. Accept our contrition. We rend our hearts. Spare Your people and take pity on us, and restore us to the joy of Your salvation.

In Your benevolent name, we offer our prayers. Amen.